Every vessel proposed for use by Viva Energy Australia’s business must be positively vetted prior to acceptance to ensure that it is of suitable quality.
The Viva Energy Australia Ship Assessment Vetting Process will carry out the vetting in accordance with the Ship Quality Assurance Standard on every vessel proposed for Viva Energy Australia business. Vessels are screened against the latest SIRE Inspection Report, Port State Control Inspections, Casualty Reports, evidence of vessel complying with the Maritime Labour Convention – 2006, Terminal and Operational Feedback and also Company Profile.
Any vessel proposed for use by Viva Energy Australia’s business must have a current discharge operational SIRE Inspection Report available of no more than 6 months old at the time of engagement of the vessel unless otherwise approved by the Marine Manager. Where it is considered as added value and providing increased assurance to Viva Energy Australia, the SIRE Inspection will be arranged and carried out by an approved Viva Energy Australia SIRE Inspector in a discharge port.
During the screening of the vessel any information that is considered by the Viva Energy Vetting Group as a ‘High Risk’ observation will be referred back to the vessel Operator to provide documented evidence of a satisfactory close-out of the observation. If the ‘High Risk’ observation is not considered to have been satisfactorily closed-out by vessels Operator then the vessel will not be considered for use by Viva Energy Australia’s business.
The specialised Viva Energy Australia Marine Vetting Group is only based in Melbourne, Australia and receives and processes all SIRE Inspection requests. However, as it is not manned 24/7, the ship Operators may at times expect a delay in response.
Contact Us:
Please contact us through the relevant questionnaire for specific queries and for any other queries the Viva Energy Marine Vetting Group can be contacted at [email protected]
Viva Energy Australia
Level 16, 720 Bourke Street
Docklands Vic 3008
Telephone: 1300 020 356
Viva Energy Australia is a Full Member of Oil Companies International Forum (OCIMF) and therefore as agreed with OCIMF all SIRE Inspections conducted by Viva Energy Australia approved SIRE Inspectors will use the Oil Industry standard OCIMF SIRE Inspection format as the main ship inspection tool.
During the vetting process of the vessel any information that is considered by the Viva Energy Vetting Group as a ‘High Risk’ observation will be referred back to the vessel Operator to provide documented evidence of a satisfactory close-out of the observation. If the ‘High Risk’ observation is not considered as a satisfactory close-out by vessels Operator then the vessel will not be considered for Viva Energy Australia Businesses.
After the completion of any SIRE Inspection Report conducted by a Viva Energy Australia approved SIRE Inspector the report will be reviewed by the Viva Energy Australia Marine Vetting Group prior to its release to OCIMF and vessels Operator via the SIRE system.
Following the successful close-out of a SIRE Inspection Report by the Viva Energy Marine Vetting Group the ship owner will be advised of a period in which a further operational inspection will not normally be required. This advice does not constitute any blanket approval of the vessel for Viva Energy Australia business or for visits to Viva Energy operated Terminals or facilities. All vessels are vetted on each occasion they are presented for Viva Energy Australia business or require to berth at one of our Terminals or facilities.
SIRE Inspection reports are maintained on the OCIMF Index for a period of 12 months from the date of receipt and are maintained on this database for 2 years.
All barges that are used by Viva Energy Australia will follow a similar protocol to the above however the OCIMF Barge SIRE Inspection Questionnaire (BIQ) template will be used.
Responses to any observations identified during a Viva Energy Australia ship SIRE Inspections or any follow-up enquiries and required information should be addressed to
[email protected] or call 1300 020 356
The oil tanker Condition Assessment Programme (CAP) provides the quality measurement tool for older vessels focusing on technical and functional condition. This programme is designed for oil tankers that are over 20,000 Deadweight tonnage (DWT) and are 15 years and over but may well be used for other types of tonnage at any age.
Any vessel that is presented for Viva Energy Australia business that is 15 years and over or by the end of the 3rd Special Survey (whichever is earliest) must hold a Condition Assessment Programme (CAP) 2 rating or higher.
The vessel Operator must provide evidence of the CAP Survey Rating and also that it was conducted by a Classification Society that belongs to International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).
The maximum period of validity of a CAP rating is three years from the last day of the CAP Survey.